About Us

Bluefin Software

It all began with two people trying to get fit. We were tired of being out of breath with simple tasks. Being the fastest and most athletic girl in most of my schooling made me wonder what happened in just a few short years. Frustrated and annoyed, I enlisted Alex (reluctantly agreeing at first) to join me in my efforts to get back into shape.

To help us get started I researched some online training plans and came across Couch to 5K by Josh Clark. The first day out was hard, especially with trying to time the intervals with the paper version of the plan in one hand and the new  iPhone with the timer in the other. Alex, who is a software developer, saw and opportunity to create a software program. Since he recently bought the first generation iPhone and the app store was the newest and greatest thing, he thought he would give it a try.

Countless nights at the computer developing after his day job, Alex created a very bare bones C25k app: a timer, voice prompts, and the ability to listen to music.

We were so happy to be able to finally start the running program once the app was complete because 9 weeks after developing the initial and only 5K app on the iPhone we did just that and haven’t stopped yet.


Since the first release of our 5K app we’ve made numerous changes to the look, user interface, and most recently, name change Ease into 5K. Out of our simple design we realized through customer feedback, followers on Twitter and Facebook that we were not the only ones who wanted to get in shape with running. We quickly started growing our new found love of running with apps that cover larger distances. Next came Bridge to 10K and Ease into 10K app.

Naturally, as a runner increases distance the concern for time and pace can become the next hurdle. As we researched ways to provide an app that helped with that aspect of running we realized that running alone can not do it. Hence, our personal circuit training app, Bootcamp.

This year we also set out to provide a proven plan that would get a runner to the finish line of a half or full marathon. We sought out Hal Higdon and partnered with Training Peaks to be able to offer Hal Higdon’s Half and Full Marathon apps.

We continue to learn and respond to our customer feedback. Many have suggested an app for walkers. Well we looked into it and most recently developed the Power Walk app.

As we continue to grow we hope that our apps can make a positive change in your lives as it did ours. Our goal is to continue to create and update existing apps to help improve mobile fitness app training.

37 responses to “About Us

  1. Ok…I am in Weight Watchers and doing well. However, I am at a point of where I, in the past have started gaining everything back, plus more. I am down 35 pounds and have another 100 to go…there about. I NEVER thot I would enjoy running, but a year ago i attemped interval training and LOVED IT. But, got out of the habit during the winter.
    I am looking for something to help motivate me and this seems like it may be the answer. I do not want to gain and so do want to feel healthy and fit as I did when I began the interval’s. I want that feeling back and get past the 200pound mark for the first time in YEARS!.
    I am wondering, first I need to get and Iphone or Ipad or itouch or something? which would be a good choice. All these apps I am hearing about seem to be things that would help me. the Weight Watchers Tools apps, this C25 and others. GPS running routes. I would appreciate any advice as to what i should invest in for these apps to work best for me.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Judy,

      Thanks for writing and congrats on losing the 35 pounds. I hope our apps can help you the rest of the way and thanks for your interest in getting started with Bluefin. I’ll go ahead and break down each device for you. On the iPod Touch you can get the whole program with audio alerts and music, but you will not be able to download the additional GPS because the iPod Touch does not have the capability to gather GPS data with the current antenna. On the iPhone you will get all the same features as the iPod Touch only with the ability to purchase GPS. You can use the apps on the iPad but they are not iPad HD yet (meaning they won’t fill up your whole screen unless you press the 2x button and then the images get slightly blurry). It is still functional on the iPad. If you don’t purchase the GPS you can still input your running distance, time, and run/walk paces manually so that you can still track your data on the graphs. I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions I would be happy to help.

  2. Week 7 day 2 and i love this program, your article on the ability to post on Facebook is so true in regards to motivating me to go evertime.

    As soon as i am done week 9 and work on my times a little, i am moving forward to your other programe Bridge to 10K

    Thank you

    • Hi William,

      Thanks for posting your comment. Friends can be great motivators. I’m glad that you have a bunch that keep you motivated. Keep up the good work, you’re almost done with the plan. Congratulations!

  3. Doh, I am such a dullard – I had no idea this blog was THE Alex & Tanya of the App fame! I’m still loving your App, and thanks to your emailed advice a few weeks ago, it’s working perfectly with FaceBook again!

    Am really looking forward to the time when I can start 10k!

  4. I wanted to say “Thank you” and tell you that your app changed my life. I was NEVER a runner and always said I “CAN’T” Run. Last year, I was forced to go on cholesterol medicine since my weight and health were out of control so I decided that this is finally it and made a change. I downloaded your app in early October and ran my first 5K on Thanksgiving Day 2010. I have since run a 5K and 4 mile race and signed up for a 8k race next weekend. I have also inspired friends and sent them the app info and they are loving it too! I love the ease of use and the fact that you can integrate your own music. I can’t say Thank you enough and I will continue to market your app. I have now downloaded the bridge to 10K and working towards the 10K goal (it’s been tough but pushing through).

    • Tanya,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write us. We couldn’t be happier in being a part of your desire to get healthier. Running is a challenge yet fun at the same time. It is hard to explain that to people who aren’t runners but once you get into it you know the feeling. Keep up the good work. Signing up for races and getting your friends involved are a good way to stay motivated and sticking with it.
      Good luck!

  5. I was wondering if you were thinking about making the apps available to android users as well as iphone users. I would love to have the app, but right now I have just been timing myself on the treadmill. I love the program, and I graduated c25k on Jan 8, 2011 and actually ran my first 5k that day. I am now doing the ease into 10k so that I can do one this spring.

    • Hi Ashley,

      We actually released our C25K app on the Android in January. If you are interested in training with that program you will be able to find it on the Android Marketplace!
      Our Ease into 10K and Bridge to 10K apps are not on the Android market yet, but we hope to have those there too!

  6. I just saw that my next workout, on Monday, will be my “graduation” from C25K! I started walking, then alternating jogging in the spring before finding your program mid-summer so I was able to transition a few weeks in. I never liked jogging – but your program has shown me that, not only can I do it but I can actually enjoy it! I am so thankful I found the app – and, as others have said, it’s SO worth the $3! I also believe it’s the best money I’ve spent on an app. I’ve lost 40 lbs since spring and the # keeps dropping, thanks to the running. I’m signed up for my first 5k in a few weeks and am so excited.

    Also – do you have any merchandise? I love your logo and would really like to be able to wear it around and explain it to people, to try and get others on board!

    Thanks again – your app has helped changed my life (and my children & husband all thank you as well). Bridge to 10K, here I come! 🙂

    • Dawn,

      What an awesome journey, thank you for sharing. We will have shirts available for purchase real soon I was actually working on the design a few hours ago. I am now awaiting to see if Alex likes them as much as I do. I can safely say we will have them available in the next couple of weeks if not days. Good luck on your race and keep us posted on your success.

  7. Hi Alex! I’m wonder if you have any plans to develop this app for Android phones?


    • Hi Rachel,

      Thanks for posting your question. We have so many things we want to do for the app, and one of them is to make it available for multiple mobile devices. We definitely are keeping this in mind, but I can’t give you an exact time, sorry!

  8. Hey Alex!

    I am an ex marathon runner who has been battling injuries over the last year and a half. After FINALLY getting healthy again, and gaining 30 pounds due to lack of activity, I have to start from scratch. The hardest part of recovering from major injuries is the knowledge that I have to build back up to where I was previously. Your app helped me get over the first major obstacle: getting started. So, THANK YOU for the c25k app that helped this marathon-again-hopeful to get her big butt off the couch and get to running again.

  9. Hi there,
    I’m considering the bridge to 10k and was wondering if it seems like a step backwards after running consistently for 30-40 minutes at a time to then start doing 4 segments of 10 minutes and the building up to eventually running two segments of 30. I guess it makes sense, I’m not a scientist or a health field professional, but could you essentially do the program to build distance and on the off days just stick to a simple 30-40 easy pace to ensure there are no losses in the level of endurance? I’m training for a half marathon and thought this might be really helpful. Thanks so much! If you have a half marathon program or even a marathon that would be awesome!

    • Kylie,

      If you are already doing 30 to 40 minutes then you can start the week/day in the Bridge to 10K that is most suitable for your needs. Since you are training for a half marathon it is best to run 3 times a week with one of the workouts being a longer distance. I wouldn’t suggest running everyday. Your body needs time to recover. Try weight lifting or circuit training on your days off. We don’t have a half or a marathon program yet.

  10. Did I see a Gateway to 8K app from you – and, if so, where has it gone?

  11. Thank you for this app so much. I’ve passed it on to a bunch of my friends who were also frustrated by the lack of ability to use their own music to C25K with. We all had tried the podcasts but they weren’t right for any of us. [they’re still awesome, but I’m just picky about my music and like to change it up]
    I’m back on the wagon after falling off and it is great!
    Your app is well worth the $3, and hopefully people are not put off by having to pay for it. You did a great job with the UI, and the voice cues are perfect.

  12. Hi Alex! I just wanted to thank you SO much for creating this app! It’s PERFECT!

    I always wanted to start jogging, but I was afraid to take the first step. But today, I DID! I’m starting off on a treadmill and eventually plan to move outside.

    I love everything about your app, but if I don’t have an internet connection immediately after I’m done working out, I have to let the app just play itself out so I can post it. Or is that just me?

    Also, thanks for allowing the playlist.

    Again, I LOVE it and I’m SO looking forward to my first 5K.

    Much success to you!

  13. This is the first app I have ever bought and I am very excited to get started with it tomorrow!

  14. Kerrin Hetland

    Hi Alex! I am so excited to use this app! I haven’t run in years and I think this is just the thing I need:-) I do have one question that I hope you can help me with….is it possible to listen to Pandora AND have your app run at the same time? I have no clue how to really use my iphone:-)



  15. Hi Alex,

    I just wanted to say that I am almost finished with week 8 of the C25K. I got an iPhone about week 3 and your C25K app was the first one that I bought! I could do the C25K without your app, but I definitely DON’T WANT TO!! It’s so awesome to be able to listen to your own music and have the audio queues. The recent facebook integration is fantastic, and I have had 6 or more people take up the C25K based on the posts on my profile. I always recommend that they get your app if they have an iPhone. I was SUPER STOKED to find the GW28K app yesterday, and I bought it without even looking at it. I know it will be good. I hope you will continue and make the 10K and Beyond app!!


    Melbourne, Australia

  16. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your C25K app. It’s one of my favorite apps. I don’t really know how I’d do the program without it! Thanks!

    • Thanks Allie, I really appreciate it. Comments like this are the fuel that keeps me working on this app late at night 🙂

  17. Great App Alex !!
    I’ve always had an active lifestyle in different sports but NEVER had jog before. This App had help me to start from scratch.
    Today I finished Day 02 of Week 4. Really looking forward to finished the program. Maybe you could star a program for 10K or even marathon length training for the iPhone.


    • Hi Jorge,

      Congrats on your C25K progress! I have a 8K app in the app store when you are done with C25K. Just search for GW28K in iTunes. I’ll be making a 10K version soon as well.

  18. Excellent idea (c25k app), and this Web site is attractive. Nice work, Alex.

  19. Thank you so much for making this application!!!

    I love Couch to 5 K. I completed it successfully about 2 years ago, when I successfully ran a 5K run while pregnant. But then I got more pregnant and had the baby and well, fell out of the habit of running.

    I decided today was the day to pick up the good ‘ole Couch to 5 K sheet which is tattered and worn and for some reason, I decided to Google to see if someone made an app for it. I just got my iPhone 2 weeks ago and I am in LOVE with it. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to use it while running. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

    • Thanks for the comment Shannon. Glad to hear you are going back to running. Couch to 5K is truly amazing. I never though I would look make ti running for 20 minutes, but thanks to C25K I’m able to do it.

  20. I would also like to thank you for this app. I will be starting the c25k for my third attempt. I so appreciate the time you spent creating this program and I’m looking forward to being able to listen to my own music as I run.

    Thanks again.

  21. Alex,

    I wanted to congratulate you on an excellent program for C25K. I’d been putting off doing it because the idea of timing 60 and 90 seconds over and over seemed unwieldy (it was also just a good excuse to continue to sit in my chair)… and I’d wanted something EXACTLY like this. It’s fabulous. I did my first run/walk today. 🙂

    I don’t know if you kept up with your running over the holidays, but I was wondering if you might want to be sort of virtual running buddies? We could sort of keep track of each other’s progress online (I have a livejournal) and encourage each other? If not, that’s ok too… and thanks for filling the exact niche I needed filled with your program.


    • Hi Lisa, I’m so happy that you decided to start the C25K plan, and the though that my little app is helping you do it makes me feel great. Thank you so much for purchasing it!

      I have to let you know that the app has a bug where for week 4 and later the alerts are not played at the correct intervals. An update is pending Apple’s approval and should be available in about a week. You can read more about it here And I’ll write more about it later.

      Update: the bug has been fixed in version 1.1 which is available in the App Store as a free update.

      Unfortunately, I fell of the wagon during the holidays, then I got a nasty cold. So I’m about to re-start it this weekend, I’ll probably do the first day on Sunday. I do like the idea of virtual running buddy! Leave you blog address here and I’ll keep in touch. If you have twitter you can follow my running progress at http://twitter.com/astankovic

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