Category Archives: iPhone

RunHelper Connect Launched

Last night we released version 3.3 of Power Walk, Bridge to 10K, and Ease into 10K apps. The update for Ease into 5K and the rest of our apps will follow early next week.

This update brings something we’ve been working hard on for quite some time: we are thrilled to announce RunHelper Connect the companion service for our training apps.

We’ve talked about the upcoming RunHelper Connect release and some of the features earlier this summer. Continue reading

Spring Fever Checklist: Grab an app?

If you’re reading this, chances are that you already realize what a difference your phone or iPod can make when it comes to getting fit.  Our approach is designed not just to get you from one fitness level to another, but to do it from the palm of your hand, keeping you on track and motivating you along the way.

As Spring approaches, consider making a small purchase or two to up your game for the coming running season.  Here are three ideas. Continue Reading

Apps on sale through the end of the day!

It’s a good time to grab a new app or two!  Today’s the last day to pick up a number of Bluefin apps for just $0.99.  Here’s what’s on sale through the end of the day:

  • Ease into 5K
  • Ease into 10K®
  • Bridge to 10K®
  • Power Walk
  • Bootcamp

You can check them out in iTunes or the Android Market and learn more about each program on our website.
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Walking for runners

This week, we are excited to introduce Power Walk, our first app for walkers.  While the app is designed for users that for one reason or another aren’t able to participate in a running program, the benefits of walking itself are universal.

Today we’re talking a little bit about how walking can benefit anyone, even a serious runner who might consider walking strictly a warm-up and cool-down activity.  Here are some situations where a runner might benefit from a good, solid, no-sweat walk.
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Introducing Power Walk

Everybody has to start somewhere.

And even though we created Ease into 5K with the intent that a fitness novice could navigate it starting from scratch, we understand that hitting the ground (literally) running isn’t for everybody.  Our users have told us — whether it’s for them or for friends and loved ones — that there was a need for a true beginner’s program, one that could take someone who isn’t capable of any running at all and help him or her build their fitness gradually.

Enter Power Walk.

Power Walk follows the same philosophy and design as our running apps, but was created for walkers.  The goal of the 12-week program is to start off slow (intervals of three minutes quick, three minutes easy) and work up to a full 60-minute power walk.

It’s perfect if physical limitations prohibit running or if a person’s current fitness level just isn’t compatible with Ease into 5K.  Consider it a great stand-alone program to get up and moving or even a way to lay a solid fitness foundation before beginning a running program.

If you’ve struggled through the early weeks of Ease into 5K, are looking to keep yourself moving and active on a low-impact scale, or just know someone who would benefit from a walking program, please check it out. Power Walk is now available in the app store (and for more details on the training program, check out our page here.

The health benefits of walking are TREMENDOUS… especially if the alternative is sitting on the couch.  If you think Power Walk will help you or someone you know get moving, by all means give it a try!

Inside Scoop: Week Five Workouts (plus an important note)

Please note: As we shared last week, we are in the process of transitioning to a new training program for the 5K distance.  The Runhelper platform will stay the same, but we are changing the name of the app and modifying the training program. Following the update, the program and app will be called Ease into 5K (bringing it into line with our existing Ease into 10K program, as well as our apps for longer distances).   To continue on your existing program, you’ll need to hold off on this app update.   

Inside Scoop: Week Five Workouts

It doesn’t matter if you’re a running veteran or just beginning for the first time, there’s plenty to be learned from workouts at any stage of a training plan.  Today we’re talking about Week Five. Read on for the Week Five Inside Scoop, including tips and advice for runners at every level.


Week Five is all about getting ready for longer, uninterrupted runs.  You aren’t quite up to 5K distance, but you have come far enough that your body is prepared to do longer running intervals and even standalone runs that don’t require any rest intervals at all.  You’ve built to this point gradually, but it’s still important to be mentally ready for workouts with less walking – not so much because of the longer distances, but just because of the physiological differences that come with running uninterrupted.  Think of this as the week where you will really come into your own as a runner.  This is where you turn the corner from a newbie just getting up to speed and become a bona fide runner preparing for a 5k.  Just remember, the majority of your challenges this week will be mental, not physical.  When all else fails, crank up the tunes.

Intermediate runners…

Week Five brings you a nice selection of no-pressure throwback workouts that can give you a taste of interval work without necessarily doing a ton of walking.  Browse through and pick one the next time you’re looking for a solid run that lets you focus on your form and run with confidence.  These are challenging if you push yourself hard and relaxing if you take it easy.  If you’re feeling a little under the weather, these make great workouts for shaking it off and logging some time on the road without having to think too much about it.

Crusty veterans…

Running hard for varying distances (not just your race distance) can help you become not just a stronger runner, but also a stronger racer.  It’s difficult to simulate a race-day experience and impossible to reproduce every combination of energy, fatigue, strength, and excitement you’re going to find on the race course.  So prepare your body and mind for various scenarios by running hard at varying distances, whether it’s medium-range eight-minute interval work or just a compressed run that’s going to leave you a little short of your usual race distance (just be sure to kick up the intensity to compensate).  Mixing it up like this will help you better manage your intensity during longer workouts and various race distances.

Turkey Day Detox: Shaking off post-feast sluggishness

For many of our readers, yesterday was Thanksgiving. So in the wake of a holiday typically celebrated with some combination of eating too much and holding down the sofa, how do you reboot your body and get back to reality?

If you’re still trying to shake yesterday’s turkey coma or ever find yourself a little overindulged for some other reason, here are some tips for pulling it together and feeling like an athlete again.

Keep moving. Sluggishness leads to more sluggishness. It’s important to get moving again so you can get some good, positive energy flowing. If you have the day off, don’t let yourself get sucked back into the couch. If you’re at work or otherwise occupied, make the extra effort to walk around a little bit throughout the day, especially if you have a desk job. Even just puttering around the office or doing some light cleaning around the house can be enough to get your blood flowing again.

Reclaim your metabolism. Our bodies can be confused by a sudden onslaught of Thanksgiving goodness, especially if you take in more high-fat food than usual. If you wake up feeling like digestion hasn’t been working overtime to keep up with a big meal, starting the day off easy with a light breakfast that includes some fiber can get things back on track. The last thing you want to do is chase overeating with more overeating.

Drink some water. The single best thing you can do to help get your body back into game shape is to drink plenty of water. This is doubly true if Thursday’s merriment involved a couple of drinks. If you want to feel good today, drop everything and go knock back a big glass of water right now. You’ll feel an energy boost before your lips are dry and give your body the lubrication it needs to loosen up and perform better for the rest of the day. Just make sure you keep it coming throughout the day.

Run. There we said it. You knew it was coming. If you’re really looking to jumpstart your day, getting out there for a run is the way to do it. A little fresh air and exercise can do you a world of good — and all other benefits aside, it’ll get you out of the house. There’s two schools of thought on this one, depending on how you’re feeling: either get out there and complete the next workout in your plan or just cut loose and go for a fun, laid back run without worrying about the numbers. That’s the stuff a healthy lifestyle is made of.

So there you go. Hope your holiday was great and that training is going well. Happy Friday!

Keeping Resolutions (New Year’s or Not)

We’ve been talking a lot about resolutions lately.  The rubber is hitting the road for our New Year’s group, who are right now in the midst of Week One in a push that will have them 5k-ready by January 1.

But regardless of whether you’re joining us in the New Year’s push, there’s still plenty to be said for making a commitment to yourself and seeing it through.  Read on for tips on how you can stick to your training resolutions, New Year or otherwise.

Get started.  Do you know the undisputed, number one reason that people fail to complete a training program like Ease into 5k?  They never start.  Don’t worry about how many weeks are in the program or how many workouts you need to get through in the first week.  Just start.  Start with the first workout of the first week.  Each of our programs are designed to build you up and prepare you for the workouts ahead.  Trust the program and get that first workout behind you.

Roll with it. Eventually, something is going to interrupt your training. You’ll have to work late, take care of a sick kid, get derailed by a family get-together — sooner or later it’s going to happen.  Or maybe you just fall a little short in the motivation department one week.  Whatever interrupts your program, don’t let it be the end of the line.  Just jump back in.  Pick up where you left off, rewind to an earlier week in the program, do a no-pressure 15-minute fun run; whatever it takes to get you back on the horse, make it happen.

Don’t stress.  Getting fit is supposed to be good for your mental health, not another thing to worry about.  Let your training program be your refuge from day-to-day stress and anxiety.  If a particular workout is causing you grief or you’re worried about your performance day-to-day, take a deep breath.  You don’t need to set any records, you just need to get out there and run.  Take the pressure off and make your goal simply to get out there and make it happen…the rest tends to take care of itself.

Find a buddy.  Nothing creates accountability like a running partner.  If your running style and your lifestyle will accomodate a running partner (or a group of them), there’s no better way to keep yourself honest.  It’s easy to stay in bed and skip a solo morning run.  It’s much harder to leave your buddy hanging on the corner.

Be social.  Don’t have a running buddy?  Sure you do.  Social media provides unprecedented  access to like-minded runners all over the world.  Our apps will even let you post your workouts to Facebook and Twitter right after you finish them (automatically if you like), making it easier than ever to share your progress.  If you’re looking for a great community of runners to start meeting online, check us out on Twitter and Facebook.  We’re proud to say we have some awesome fans and followers.

Beyond the Road: Circuit Training

We heard somewhere that running isn’t everything.
Okay, yes, that’s true.  It isn’t.  There are lives to be lived out there that don’t involve interval training or miles logged.

But we’ve also embraced the idea that running doesn’t need to be 100 percent of your fitness picture, either.  That’s why in addition to our various running apps, we’ve also released Bootcamp for iPhone, a complete circuit training app that guides you through a total body workout using the same interface and framework as our Bluefin apps.

If you are a running graduate looking to take on another challenge or a day-to-day runner looking to build speed with some dedicated strength work, Bootcamp is designed to give you everything you need to be successful, from instruction to timing to tracking.

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out http for more info.  There you’ll find:

Bootcamp is currently $2.99 on the app store and is worth a look if you’re looking to begin or expand your circuit training work.  We’ve put together some handy canned workouts targeting specific muscle groups — like arms, quads, and abs — so hopefully there’s something for everyone, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
We’ve got some great updates in store for you, too, so we’ll be sure to keep it interesting.  Good luck, circuit trainers; and stay tuned for more from Bootcamp!

Don’t stop because *we* say so (New Feature: Continue Workout)

It’s one of the most puzzling feelings in running.

There you are, pushing your way to the end of a workout, counting down the minutes and thinking you’ll never make it to the end.  Then, the next thing you know, that voice in your headphones tells you that the workout is complete and you feel like you could have gone another mile or two without missing a beat.

Or maybe you’re just having one of those superhero, everything-falling-into-place days when you just know that whatever distance you set out to run just isn’t going to be enough.

Perfect for those Forrest Gump moments

With our latest update comes “Continue Workout,” a new feature that lets your run continue even after the planned workout is complete.  Your time, distance (if GPS is enabled) and other stats will continue rolling until you manually stop the workout.

To access the feature, open up settings, tap “Workout,” and toggle on “Continue Workout.”

The structure of a formal training program like Ease into 5k or any of our other programs is a great way to build rigor and accountability into your training.  But at the same time, it’s important to remember that the point of the whole thing is to RUN…and that listening to your body and enjoying how you feel as you get stronger and faster is what it’s all about.

Those miles that you log just for the heck of it often turn out to be the ones that help you really fall in love with running.  Don’t let “Workout Complete” keep you from one of those great training moments.