Category Archives: Bridge to 10K

Reality check. How far do you want to go this summer?

It’s May.  Summer will be here before we know it and it’s time to make things happen if you’d like to look back on a summer running season that will make you proud.  It doesn’t matter if you’re getting ready to take a crack at your first marathon or still trying to work up the courage to start running for the first time in decades, there’s no time like the present to get started.

We’ve developed a number of training plans to help runners of all abilities reach a variety of training goals — from that first 5k to a full marathon.  Here are the programs you can start right now, along with some not-too-far-off completion dates that should get you excited about how soon you could be reaching your goals.

Couch potato to power walker by the middle of August.  Even if you consider yourself completely out of shape at this very moment, you could be completing a 60-minute power walk with confidence in less time than you think.  Starting Power Walk before June will have you finishing the program the week of August 12.

From beginner to 5k racer by the middle of July.  If you can run a few minutes at a time, we can get you running a full 5k without walking in just eight weeks.  Starting Ease into 5k before June will have your ready to race by the week of July 16.  (To set your sights on a longer distance, Ease into 10k will have you running a 10k in just two weeks more.)

From 5k runner to 10k runner before the fireworks.  Ease into 5k graduates can build progressively to a 10k distance in just six weeks.  Starting Bridge to 10k before June will have you running the full 10k distance before July 4.

Putting a “13.1” sticker on your car before summer is over.  If you’ve done any of our shorter programs, you know that the plans work.  Starting the Hal Higdon Half Marathon (Novice 1) program this week will have you running a half marathon by mid-August.  For a slightly different approach, consider Hal Higdon Half Marathon (Novice 2).

Celebrate Fall with a full marathon.  For most runners, 26.2 miles is a crowning achievement.  Getting there is just a matter of laying out your plan and executing on it.  Get started now with Hal Higdon’s Marathon (Novice 1) and you could ring in the first week of Autumn marathon-ready.  And again, for a slightly different approach, check out Hal Higdon’s Marathon (Novice 2).

 It’s pretty exciting.  Pick any of those timeframes above and imagine yourself finishing your last workout of the program on that triumphant final week.  All you have to do is pick your plan and get started!

Getting back on the horse?  

If you’ve started a Bluefin program in the past but didn’t finish, you can always start fresh with a clean slate.  Just open up Settings and select “Reset on next start.”  The next time you launch the app, you’ll be ready to begin.   

Apps on sale through the end of the day!

It’s a good time to grab a new app or two!  Today’s the last day to pick up a number of Bluefin apps for just $0.99.  Here’s what’s on sale through the end of the day:

  • Ease into 5K
  • Ease into 10K®
  • Bridge to 10K®
  • Power Walk
  • Bootcamp

You can check them out in iTunes or the Android Market and learn more about each program on our website.
Continue reading

Check out the updated Workout Journal!

As you know, we’ve recently rolled out a pretty significant update to our 5K app.  Part of that update was a redesigned Workout Journal, which will help you get even better insights into each of your workouts.

These updates have something for everyone, but will definitely do the most for those who have activated the GPS feature.  Here’s a quick rundown of the new features.

Cumulative distance.  Now you’ll be able to track how many miles you’ve logged in total with an ongoing record of all the distance you cover while using the app.  (Also a great way to keep track of how much wear you’re putting on your shoes!)

Fastest mile.  Beginning when you download the update, you can start tracking your best miles, giving you a great benchmark to compete against from week to week.

Easier treadmill integration.  If you do some or all of your workouts on a treadmill, you’ll now have an easier time manually entering your workouts.  Simply enter your speed setting and the app will automatically calculate minutes per mile or minutes per kilometer.

Better split tracking.  You can now track your splits directly from the journal screen, allowing at-a-glance access to exactly how you’re performing.

Improved ease of use overall.  You’ll also notice that the journal screens themselves are simplified, with larger fields for easier data entry.  You can also more easily add workouts to the journal that you do without the app.

We can’t emphasize enough how valuable the journal functionality can be.  By keeping track of your workouts you’ll be able to hold yourself accountable for the work you’re putting in and keep a good handle on just how much you’re doing.  It doesn’t matter if your goal is to get faster, increase distance, lose weight, or just have good, solid runs.  The journal screens give you everything you need to track your performance and figure out how to get where you want to be.

If you haven’t been using the journal so far, please give it a shot for a week and see what you think.  We expect you’ll want to stick with it.

From 5K Newbie to Marathon Man: Guest Post by Zach Sharp

Editor’s Note: Sometimes, you guys really take it all the way.  Zach Sharp started off using his phone to guide him through training for his first 5K and ended up working his way through one Bluefin app after another, upping his distance from 5K to 10K to a half marathon to the full 26.2.  We’re blown away and hope his story can be an inspiration to everyone who reads this.  Zach’s story is below.    

Most of my life I had been an active, outdoors type of person.  I graduated high school in okay shape. Continue reading

Keeping Resolutions (New Year’s or Not)

We’ve been talking a lot about resolutions lately.  The rubber is hitting the road for our New Year’s group, who are right now in the midst of Week One in a push that will have them 5k-ready by January 1.

But regardless of whether you’re joining us in the New Year’s push, there’s still plenty to be said for making a commitment to yourself and seeing it through.  Read on for tips on how you can stick to your training resolutions, New Year or otherwise.

Get started.  Do you know the undisputed, number one reason that people fail to complete a training program like Ease into 5k?  They never start.  Don’t worry about how many weeks are in the program or how many workouts you need to get through in the first week.  Just start.  Start with the first workout of the first week.  Each of our programs are designed to build you up and prepare you for the workouts ahead.  Trust the program and get that first workout behind you.

Roll with it. Eventually, something is going to interrupt your training. You’ll have to work late, take care of a sick kid, get derailed by a family get-together — sooner or later it’s going to happen.  Or maybe you just fall a little short in the motivation department one week.  Whatever interrupts your program, don’t let it be the end of the line.  Just jump back in.  Pick up where you left off, rewind to an earlier week in the program, do a no-pressure 15-minute fun run; whatever it takes to get you back on the horse, make it happen.

Don’t stress.  Getting fit is supposed to be good for your mental health, not another thing to worry about.  Let your training program be your refuge from day-to-day stress and anxiety.  If a particular workout is causing you grief or you’re worried about your performance day-to-day, take a deep breath.  You don’t need to set any records, you just need to get out there and run.  Take the pressure off and make your goal simply to get out there and make it happen…the rest tends to take care of itself.

Find a buddy.  Nothing creates accountability like a running partner.  If your running style and your lifestyle will accomodate a running partner (or a group of them), there’s no better way to keep yourself honest.  It’s easy to stay in bed and skip a solo morning run.  It’s much harder to leave your buddy hanging on the corner.

Be social.  Don’t have a running buddy?  Sure you do.  Social media provides unprecedented  access to like-minded runners all over the world.  Our apps will even let you post your workouts to Facebook and Twitter right after you finish them (automatically if you like), making it easier than ever to share your progress.  If you’re looking for a great community of runners to start meeting online, check us out on Twitter and Facebook.  We’re proud to say we have some awesome fans and followers.

More Thoughts on Back to School

Keeping with the spirit of the back-to-school season, we’re blogging about student fitness this week, beginning with Monday’s post about running on campus.

Why the focus?  Because it really, really matters.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data points out that in about one generation, the percentage of overweight kids (ages 6 to 19) in the U.S. just about tripled.  That’s a scary thought.

Think of it this way.

From time to time, we get e-mails of thanks from once unhealthy folks now happily back on the right track after working through the 5K program.  These wonderful, impressive people are typically middle-aged, and generally have been in poor health — overweight and out of shape — for quite a while.  Starting, quite literally, on the couch and building up to a full 5K is nothing short of heroic for them and can be the start of a life-changing (and even life-saving) shift in their lifestyle.

Reading those e-mails are the absolute high point of what we do.  But you know what?  As much as we love a good comeback story, we’d much rather see people avoid falling off the wagon in the first place.

School is a time when good habits are cultivated and bad ones begin to dig in their heels.  Staying active and healthy throughout grade school, high school, and college is the best way to set up for success and good health for the years and decades that follow.

Only about a quarter of high-school-aged kids are currently getting their recommended daily dose of physical activity.  So I guess the point is that if you’re young, do everything you can to keep feeling young.  If you’re not so young, but know someone who is, remember that anything you can do to encourage healthy lifestyle choices now is going to pay dividends down the road.

If Ease into 5K or another Bluefin program helps make that happen, we couldn’t be happier.  But even if you’re just out there setting a good example or maybe extending the offer of a friendly jog around that new campus, your attention might make all the difference in the long-term health of someone you care about.

How to run marathons without really thinking about it

Okay, okay.  You will have to think about it.  And work your tail off. But that’s not the point.

The point is that no matter what your fitness level or running experience is right now, inside you is a marathoner waiting to be set free. You might think that sounds crazy, but one of these days you’ll know what I mean.

Maybe it’ll be during the cool-down of the final workout of Ease into 5K or in the afterglow of a big race.

One day it’ll just hit you. You want to run further. That’s how it starts.

Ease into 5K is a great program for getting off the couch and into regimented training.  Completing it will leave you feeling stronger, faster, and more confident…exactly the qualities necessary to become an utterly addicted distance runner.

We have a whole suite of Bluefin apps that  make it easy to keep upping your game as you aspire to longer distances and bigger challenges.

Here’s a quick breakdown of each of them.  For details on each, click here.

  • Ease into 5K will prepare even a non-runner for a full 5k in just nine weeks.
  • Bridge to 10K is a six-week program designed for Ease into 5K graduates who want to double their distance.
  • Ease into 10K is a ten-week 10k program intended more for moderate to advanced runners.
  • Hal Higdon’s Novice Half-Marathon is a 12-week program that will get you running 13.1 miles.
  • Hal Higdon’s Marathon is an advanced program designed to ready you for a full-length marathon.
  • Bootcamp a circuit training app that will help strengthen your core muscle groups and help make you a better runner

While a marathon might seem far off from where you stand right now, there’s definitely a path from here to there when you look at the various regimens listed above.  Tackling these programs one at a time will have you gunning for a full 26.2 before you know it.

Even if you haven’t completed your first 5k just yet, taking a look at the other programs available can help keep you excited about the possibilities ahead when it comes to running and fitness.

Have you had success with the support of multiple Bluefin apps?  Please tell just about it in the comments.  We might feature you in an upcoming blog post.

Travel tips for working out on the go

For a lot of us, sticking to a training program is all about routine.  You make your workouts a part of day-to-day life and the next thing you know, they’re second nature.

But what happens when life throws you a curveball?  Weddings, birthdays, family vacations…these things happen.

Here are a few thoughts on keeping your fitness program on track even when life takes you on the road.

Bring your gear.  You know what stinks?  When you’re motivated to work out, have some time to spare, and don’t have what you need to get out there and run.  Bring your sneakers, some clothes, and an extra bag to protect the rest of your stuff from your smelly gear.

Embrace the facilities.  Lots of hotels have gyms and hitting one when you’re on the road can be a great change of pace.  They’re typically well-maintained and often full of motivated folks giving off good, positive energy.  The hotel pool can also be a great fitness tool, especially if you don’t have access to one at home.

Head out and back.  It’s easy to be intimidated by the idea of going for a run when you’re away from your usual route.  Put your mind at ease by planning a simple “out and back” run.  Simply head out in one direction and turn back once you reach the halfway point.  With a little help from your audio alerts you can focus on your run and let your headphones tell you when it’s time to turn back.  Just make sure to do a little homework and make sure the route will be generally safe and secure.

Consider alternative workouts.  Sometimes, despite the best intentions, doing workouts as planned just isn’t in the cards.  If time or logistics are becoming a problem, be willing to do something else for the sake of staying active.  You might not have half an hour available for a good run, but you can probably squeeze in a few minutes to do some simple stretching or circuit exercices instead.  Staying active, even if it isn’t your ideal workout, will help keep you on track and make it a little easier to get back in the swing of things once you’re home.

Relax.  It’s easy to adopt a mindset that missing a workout (Or two. Or ten.) means you’ve failed your training program.  That simply isn’t true and can turn a small setback into throwing in the towel for good.  Don’t let a break in your routine be the end of you.  Even if you do miss a few workouts, don’t let it be a big deal.  Take a deep breath, move on, and pick up where you left off once you get back home.

Hopefully some of these tips will help keep you on track during your travels.  Has anybody out there been having success getting workouts done despite travel or other breaks to your routine?  Tell us about it in the comments!

Four ways to run faster today

A huge part of fitness is patience.  You put in the work and are rewarded with results.  This formula is reliable, but it doesn’t happen overnight.

So for a nice change of pace, let’s look at four things you can do that will pay you dividends right away, even with your very next run.

1.  Hydrate. Try ramping up your water intake before your next run.  And don’t start an hour before; start right now.  Drinking water throughout the day is going to help your body perform at its best.  During your run you’ll be operating more efficiently, enjoying everything from improved blood flow to reduced muscle fatigue.

 2.  Fuel up.  Obviously your body needs good, wholesome food to be at its best.  Just as it’s important to eat the right stuff, it’s also important to eat the right amount.  Think ahead.  Your pre-run food intake should be such that during your workout you don’t feel hungry and you don’t feel full.  Keeping granola bars or other light snacks on hand can help keep you in that sweet spot as workout time nears.

3.  Get (very) warm.  A solid warmup routine is really intended to get your body up to operating temperature.  So if you just go through the motions during your five-minute warmup walk, you probably aren’t working hard enough to really be ready for your run.  Ideally, you’ll get your heart rate up and actually break a sweat during your warmup.  If you can’t do this by walking alone, consider throwing in a few circuit exercises to help get the pre-run blood flowing.

4.  Find your race pace.  Remember, interval training is designed to help you hit a strong pace when you’re on and recover when you’re off.  If you’re really trying to build speed, focus on one interval at a time and worry less about the workout as a whole.  The built-in walk periods are designed to help you catch your breath and recover before the next run interval begins.  If you’ve reached the workouts that don’t include a rest period, then hey, guess what?  That means you’re ready for that kind of intensity.  Go for it and don’t hold back!

These tips aren’t hard to act on, but putting any one of them into practice can help you run faster beginning with the very next time you hit the road.  Be sure to tell us how it goes and to share any tips you might have for kicking it up a notch in the short term.