Bootcamp App Exercise Descriptions

Having trouble remembering the exercises? Don’t worry, with time you’ll know them all by heart, especially if you’re working out regularly. Here is a break down of Bootcamp’s exercises in each of the four categories. The in app exercise picture along with the description are listed below. As always, have fun and enjoy your workouts.

My 5 and 2 year old LOVE when we workout together with this app. They know most of the exercises already and love to show me that they can do it too. Not to mention it is fun watching them run in place, attempt jumping jacks, and get in position for plank. I definitely burn more calories because I’m laughing the whole way through.

Download the app now to your iPhone and iPod Touch to get your heart pumping and body moving!

Total Body Exercises

Jumping Jacks

Jump into a position with your legs spread wide and hands touching overhead. Then return to a position with your feet together and your arms at your sides.

Criss Cross Jumping Jacks

Jump making a criss cross motion with your feet while your hands are touching overhead. Keep repeating the motion.

Jump Rope Criss Cross

Jump up and down like over a jump rope with your arms making the motion of crossing the rope under your feet.

Mountain Climbers

Face the floor on your hands and feet. Bring one foot to your chest and alternate with the opposite foot. This is a fast moving workout.

Plank in and Out

With your face down on the ground push yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms. Now alternate lifting one elbow off the floor and then the other. Keep your back flat and don’t allow your hips to cave in.

Plank Jumping Jacks

With your face down on the ground push yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and hands. Jump into a position with your legs spread wide and then back to the original position. Repeat movement.


Start in a standing position, bend knees and place hands on the ground. Extend legs back into a push up position and bring knees back in towards chest and stand back up again. Repeat movements without staggering

Squat Thrusts

In plank position with hands on the ground. Bring both knees into chest and then explode out again so they are fully extended. Repeat in a smooth motion.

Compass Jumps

Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides. Keep your muscles tight. Keeping your feet together jump North then jump back to starting position. Repeat jumps to East, South, and West. Continue sequence rapidly and with minimal time on the ground.

High Knees

Run in place with your knees up to waist height and pump your arms up and down.

Upper Body Exercises


Lay down face on the ground. Place hands shoulder width apart on the floor and push up and down. Complete as many as you can. To make push-ups easier keep your knees on the ground.


Sit on the floor and extend your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands at your side with your fingers pointing towards your toes and lift glutes off the floor. Bend your elbows and lower yourself as far as you can go then press yourself back up.

Upright Row

Standing shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent raise your arms up to your chin so that your elbows are pointing to the ceiling. May use weights to make exercise more challenging.

Cross Punches

Standing shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Tighten your arms and in a punching motion alternate arms in a crossing direction with a slight twist in your waist and hips.

Cross Upper Cut Punches

Keep elbows at a 90 degree angle. With knees slightly bent alternate punches from left to right with a slight twist in your waist and hips.

Alternating Bicep Curls

With palms facing upward and elbows tucked to your body. Bring one arm toward your chest and back down. Repeat with the other arm and continue alternating between arms. May use weights for an extra challenge.

Tricep Curls

Extend your arms above your head and bend elbows at 45 degrees and lift up and down. Keep muscles tight and engaged throughout your body. Keep elbows close to your head.

Tricep Kick Back

Stand shoulder width apart with knees bent and back straight with a slight bend forward. Point your elbows as high as you can towards the ceiling. Slowly extend your arm until it is straight. Bend back and repeat with opposite arm alternating between your left and right arm.

Overhead Press

Stand with elbows bent and hands next to shoulders.  Straighten elbows and push hands together overhead, palms facing each other and slightly in front of head. Lower arms and repeat.

Front Raises

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keep abs and torso upright and engaged. With palm of hands resting in front of thighs. Lift arms to shoulder level, elbows slightly bent and palms facing the floor. Lower and repeat.

Lower Body Exercises


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and toes facing forward. Lower your rear to the floor until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Resting on the balls of your feet. Hold for several seconds and repeat.

Calf raises

In standing position raise your body up onto your toes and then lower back down again.

Knee sprints

Run in place with knees coming up to the hips and arms pumping at your sides. The higher you raise your knees the more intense the workout.


Start in a standing position with feet together. With your right foot lunge forward and place it on the ground and lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground and your knee is over your foot. Hold position then return to standing and repeat with your other leg.

Spotty Dog

Stand with one leg forward and the other leg back. Hold opposite arms forwards and back. Jump to change leg/arm positions.

Butt Kicks

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten your glutes and jump up bringing your heels to your rear. Do not arch your back. Land softly and repeat.

Ice Skater

Stand shoulder width apart and then bound from side to side quickly alternating legs.

Squat Jump

Stand shoulder width apart and toes facing forward. Lower your rear to the floor until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Resting on the balls of your feet. Squeeze in abdominal and glute muscles and jump raising your arms over your head.

Front Kicks

Stand shoulder-width apart. Knees slightly bent and arms in a punching position. Kick alternating feet with toes pointed. Keep muscles tight.

Side Kicks

Stand shoulder-width apart. Knees slightly bent and arms in a punching position. Lean slightly to one side and then kick. Alternate leaning and kicking on the other side keeping your toes pointed and muscles tight.

Core Body Exercises


Lay down with your back on the floor, knees bent and hands behind your head. With the chin and chest pointed towards the ceiling and abdominal muscles engaged peel shoulders off the floor towards both knees and come back down.


Lay down with your back on the floor, knees bent and hands behind your head. With the chin and chest pointed towards the ceiling and abdominal muscles engaged peel shoulders off the floor and twist one shoulder to the opposite knee then come back down. Repeat movement to opposite side.


With your face down on the ground place your forearms and elbows under your chest. Push yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms. Keep your back flat and don’t allow your hips to cave in.

Reverse Abdominal Crunch

Lie on your back with your legs pointed towards the ceiling. Push legs higher and then lower. Hips will come off the floor.


Lay face down with your arms stretched above your head. Raise your right arm and left leg about 5-6 inches off the ground (or as far as you comfortably can). Hold briefly, relax then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.


Lay down on your back with knees bent shoulder width apart. Tighten abs and lift hips off the ground. Hold position with your abs engaged.

Right Sided Plank

Begin by laying down on your right side. Position elbow on the floor just under your shoulder. Lift up on that elbow and keep body stiff from head to toe.

Left Sided Plank

Begin by laying down on your left side on the floor. Position elbow on the floor just under your shoulder. Lift up on that elbow and keep body stiff from head to toe.

Windshield Wiper

Lay down with your back on the floor. Feet together and legs extended to the ceiling. Keep abs tight and slowly lower legs together to the right as far as you can go. Now lower legs to the left and repeat left to right without stopping.

Flutter Kicks

Begin by laying down on your back with your hands at your sides and legs extended. Keep pelvis stable, alternate kicking your legs in the air in a swimming motion. Move rhythmically and perform as many as you can.

Visit for more app details.

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Please feel free to contact me with any of your questions or suggestions

28 responses to “Bootcamp App Exercise Descriptions

  1. Great site

  2. Pingback: Ejercicio by andreasol - Pearltrees

  3. Pingback: Fitness by greggoess - Pearltrees

  4. What a great post! I copied and pasted into a PDF so I could use it at home! Burpees make me want to die but in an oh-so-good way. It took me awhile of practicing and really working on it to get to a point where I could do a few in a row but now I feel stronger, more confident and healthier!

    • Gretta,

      Thanks so much. I thought it would help you guys out to get more familiar with the exercises on the app before working out. I am so happy you are putting it to good use.

  5. Perfect, event the icon you made yourself. I’ve been trying Jump Rope Criss Cross but always get stuck on my foot. Anyone have a simple tip for me?

  6. Wow what a list – the core muscles are a good daily set – but those planks do hurt! Looking forward to trying all the exercises in one sessions

    • Thanks for commenting. The planks definitely give you a good tone up especially after combining them with the other core exercises. Good luck trying out the exercises all in one session, and don’t forget to have fun!

  7. Hi there,
    I think this is a great app for people short on time or those who don’t have a gym membership. We all need to get some exercise in.
    Way to go with a creative app!

    • Hi Ervin,

      Thanks for writing. I am so happy you find our app useful and creative. We wanted to offer an app that could give you a quick workout that stimulates all muscle groups and makes you sweat in no time.

  8. Great list! I’ll try this exercises. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Love the bootcamp app! Are you planning on making it available for Android?

    • Hi Janet,

      Thanks for commenting. Yes, we are planning on making Bootcamp available for Android. I don’t have a time frame to give you at this point, but it is in the works.

  10. Pingback: Do you circuit train? (Want to start?) « Couch to 5K

  11. What a great overview. I bookmarked this page. I will be sure to share this with my clients. It will help them reference the exercises I give them.

  12. Great way to get back into shape… or at least start getting back into shape.

  13. It’s a huge List, How am I suppose to remember all these.

  14. Nice list! I love bodyweight exercises and will have to add some of these. I haven’t done squat thrusts since elementary school! I already do planks and found they have been great for my shoulder pain.

  15. I forgot about a lot of these exercises after college. Thanks for using the diagrams, it makes exercising at home really easy and efficient,

    • Josh,

      Your welcome. It’s nice to be able to read the descriptions before starting the app. It is fast paced and is meant to give you a good workout in little time.

  16. keepup the good work;)

  17. Wow this is great. This is perfect to do at home, and even though I don’t have weights I can always use books and such. Thank you for this.

  18. Great exercises, thanks for sharing. The Supermans look very challenging I’ll have to give those a try.

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